“Does God really care about me, if so why do I have to go through all this? “ This is a question we oftentimes ask ourselves and most times we find out it is based on current events in our lives. I recently had an occasion for such a question through an incident I went through.
Recently, I misplaced a very valuable possession of mine. Having searched obvious places, where it would normally be, and no sight of it, I asked the Holy Spirit to help me. In previous times, as soon as I informed him of a missing item He would instantly (within seconds) lead me to where it was so that the next place I looked, it was right there. Each time He did this, it felt really good. I then became so used to it. However, on this occasion, it was not so. Seconds turned into minutes and then hours and even days. Little did I know the Lord was bringing me through another level of training; to trust Him more. Now, the bible text that says in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that “… God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able…” was playing out in my life on this occasion. God was teaching me to trust Him more by not immediately yielding to my request. Yet He was also aware of my capacity and present limits.
The second day, I started to panic a bit. That night I couldn’t go to sleep. Meanwhile He was watching my every move. The third day became unbearable and I was literally begging Him to help me whilst frantically searching for it. God, who in His mercy knew this was getting to the limit, that evening led me to where it was.
You might think your Heavenly Father doesn’t know what you are going through but He sure does. He knows your limits too. The concluding part of the scripture above tells us that ‘He will
provide a way of escape just when He sees it’s becoming unbearable for us’ (paraphrased), that was exactly what He did with me. You feel the problem you are going through is consuming you but He is closely watching and very much aware of your capacity. He is building you up for your next level. It might seem as though you’ve reached the end but in fact the ability to go further has been inbuilt into you. And just as you are about to reach that limit, He relieves you of the suffering. 1 Peter 5:10.

The item was my purse, full of valuables such as my identity and bank card. I could not afford to lose any of these. I needed to know the whereabouts of my purse. This is a demonstration of the love our heavenly Father has towards us. We are created in His likeness and carry His identity – Genesis 1:26. Having reflected over it all, I discovered a few lessons. Here are three things I learnt from the incident:
* OUR VALUE TO GOD: My purse is precious and of high value to me but, I am even of more value to God hence His concern for me throughout the incident. This is true for us all, God is
concerned about the things that bother us because He cherishes and cares so much for us.
Never believe the lie of the devil that He doesn’t. He even calls us ‘the apple of his eye’ in Zechariah 2:8 which goes to show how dotting a father He is to us and the extent to which He
will defend us (see 2 chronicles 16:9 & Isaiah 26:3). He knows the number of hair strands on our head (Luke 12:7), and none will go missing without His knowledge. Part of God’s caring nature is that he allows us to go through tough times to develop us and thereby prove our maturity.
*OUR SAFETY BEFORE GOD: I was concerned about the safety of my purse but God was concerned more about my safety. Though my level of faith was being tested, He watched
closely to ensure I was within the limit of my capacity. God will not bring our way anything that will completely throw us off balance(1 Corinthians 10:13). God knew Job’s capacity and that he would withstand that level of trial; that’s why He could boast of and vouch for Job before satan.
He also knows your capacity too. One thing to note is that God would not have allowed me to go
beyond what I could bear. Once I started to run out of the ability to endure, it was a cue that I
needed rescuing. You might feel you are at your wits end but God knows your capacity and determines when you will be relieved. It would not be too long, so hang in there.
*OUR IDENTITY IN GOD: The value I placed on my purse was due to highly valued assets deposited in it, and especially because it contained my identity card. We are created in God’s
likeness and carry His image. He has also deposited great valuables in us hence He doesn’t take us for granted. We are the only creature of His who Carries His image and was given a redemption plan [after the fall in the garden of Eden] so that we can be with Him forever. It was the thought of losing us forever that made Him decide to send His only begotten Son to rescue us from sin – John 3:16. God never wants to part with us. It depends on us whether we would
remain with Him in Eternity. We now have the choice to make that happen by accepting His plan of redemption carried out through His Son Jesus Christ. Would you accept Him today?
Reflecting on the incident, I laugh at how much I panicked. I literally ransacked the whole house for it [I’m pretty sure you would do the same if it was you]. My purse proved very precious to me even though I had no immediate use of it. Everything deposited in it was so valuable I could not
afford to lose any. I really needed to be sure my purse was safe. I cared so much about its whereabouts! This demonstrates how our Father also cares for us. It may not look like it when we go through tough times because no one likes to struggle. We all like it nice and easy but God
teaches us and grows our stability in Him through such times and just as you wouldn’t be promoted in real life except you pass a test likewise you must pass the test of God to get to the next level. So the next time you think of God in tough times, remember he is with you through it