My story
Just like you, I've been through a lot
Many of us are not born with a silver spoon in their mouth (and if you were, good for you). Instead, I was born to an average family living in a foreign country at the time and trying to find their feet on the ground.
Growing up, I went through thick and thin; times when I would have died of hunger, careless choices or even rascal behaviour. I was verbally abused due to my unpleasant childhood behaviour at the time. I was also judged ‘not maritally suitable’ for my fiance during courtship due to people’s preconceived opinions about my spirituality compared to his. But neither of these opinions reflected the real me; who I was destined to be, even though it may have been how I appeared to be at the time.
Yet little did I know that everything I went through was preparing me for my future – for every setback experienced, a comeback God had prepared, became the final outcome, enabling me to make capital out
of every mistake, shortcoming and fall. I sought hard and long to discover the real me; this journey of discovering the who, why and what of my existence didn’t happen overnight.
It began the day I was born, but was only revealed when I was genuinely reborn in Christ. I am now on a mission to help anyone and everyone seeking help to discover theirs.
Lover of God,
inspiring generations.
Although you may have been labelled as a result of your circumstance, it may well be what your life reflects at this point in time however, that doesn’t mean it’s who you really are. That shouldn’t make you either.
Don’t take people’s view at face value; instead you should probe every human utterance with God’s word. ‘Opinion’ doesn’t translate to ‘fact’. God’s promises are ‘yea’ and in Christ ‘amen’. His Word over you is settled in heaven already and His thoughts for you are of good and not of evil. Hang on to His word for you.
When your life eventually takes shape for the better, people’s opinion about you will also change just as it has for me. It is only a matter of time. Do not let your circumstance mar your real identity,
instead allow God’s word to make and shape you to become who God destined you to be. If no one believes in you, I do. You will fulfill your purpose!
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